Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Hallelujah! Patience really can be learned!

Maybe my perspective has just changed. I pride myself on my sugar cookies - not so much their presentation, but their flavor and texture. They do take a bit more work than regular old drop cookies. And the mess! Sugar cookies, therefore, are not a staple at the Green Residence as are Chocolate Chip Cookies.

When my children were small I took complete control of the mixing, rolling, cutting out, and baking of sugar cookies. I left the decorating up to them. After all, if the cookie tastes good, who cares what color the icing?

Imagine the family's surprise when I pulled out the cookie making supplies, dragged a chair to the cabinet, wrapped my granddaughter in an adult sized apron, and let her help! Fortunately, she was patient and stayed with the process.

I slowed down, enjoying the journey. She peeked over the rim of the mixing bowl as the motor whirred. She was ever so happy to throw flour on the counter as we rolled the dough. I took time to let her choose the shapes. When she mashed her hand into the dough I traced the outline and made "hands" for Mommy, Daddy, and Bompa. I enjoyed the adventure so much that I joined in the decorating. Actually, I did most of the decorating as she was busy tasting the different colors of icing!

I'm wondering ... does patience come with age, or is it just another bonus for being a grandma?

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