Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Do I Blog?

I wish it would snow.
I don't know.  It seems as if I can't remember the last time a wrote a blog post.  It has been awhile.  I'm still writing, but I have been focusing on my Examiner column.  A friend recently gave me a piece of advice when I confessed that I feel as if I am getting away with something when I am writing.  I said, "It is fun and I feel like I am playing." 
Her counsel?  "You need to think of your writing as your work."
I've been trying to be a bit more disciplined in that respect.
There have been other distractions - a couple of them quite significant, but then, there will always be distractions.  The challenge is to work through the distractions, is it not?
So I write, and I run, and I redirect - and then I remember something I forgot to do.  I repent and then I repeat it all over again!

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